
Carefree Water Company is pleased to offer an optional service to our customers. This service gives you direct and secure access to your water usage data through an easy-to-use website or smartphone/tablet app.
You can utilize the EyeOnWater service to:
  • View easy to understand graphs of your hourly, daily, and monthly water usage.

  • Access your water usage data 24/7 anywhere you have internet!

  • Gain a greater understanding of your water usage patterns.

  • Control the amount of water you use.

  • Establish text or email ALERTS notifying you of potential water leaks.

The EyeOnWater service includes the installation of the monitoring and transmission hardware, plus 10-years of data transmission and website access. The cost of this new optional service for our residential customers is either a one-time payment of $240.00 or 12 monthly payments of $21.00. Please contact our office if you have any questions.

To sign up for EyeOnWater, complete the form portion on the flyer attached and submit to our office via email to  office@carefreewaterco.com or mail to PO Box 702, Carefree AZ 85377.

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